I was not ready for it to be Monday by any means...
Mother's Day was great, but we ran all over. We had a lot of fun going to church with the whole family, then G & G Donlon's. The meal was excellent and everyone loved the "Bender's Salad" I slaved over to make.
Brandon, Payton and I went home to take a snooze before we headed off to Brandon's mom's house for a delicious dinner. Once again, it was an amazing time with good food and family. I even had my morals for the year :) Although it was a great time had by all, today I find myself thinking that I could have just stayed home and played with Payton. That would have been more than good enough for me on Mother's Day. I will have to do that one night this week. Just enjoy some alone time with Payton and Brandon.
Family time is great, but with our large families sometimes we get caught up in their traditions and don't have time for our own. We will have to work on the in the future.
I was surprised Friday night when I got home and Brandon, I mean Payton had a gift all wrapped. Payton told me Daddy took her to Wal-Mart on his day off with her and she got me a present. She got me a digital camera since the hand me down I had finally quit. Payton even wrote out the card in her beautiful scribbles!
So here are some pictures I took yesterday for Mother's Day 2010!

I used picnik.com to edit and make these photos interesting and fun!