Thursday, April 29, 2010

Barge Hits Lock and Dam 10

On windy Thursday, April 29, 2010 a large barge hit the end of Lock and Dam #10 as it proceeded down river. The school heard a loud boom and everyone was buzzing with anticipation. "What caused the boom? Is everyone okay?" Come to find was a barge! Classes progressed outside to watch the mayhem. Teachers taught their students about the Mississippi habitat and what would happen if the barge sunk. "What would happen to the river life if the barge was carrying coal?" and many more questions. The students had all types of answers and many of their own questions. It was a genuine "teachable moment" for Clayton Ridge. As a teacher, I have no idea what will happen to the barge. Another barge came and anchored the wrecked barge and slowed the sinking....
Update when I know more!
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the updates. My daughters in Des Moines and Dubuque are watching your blog and seeing the story unfold. I have a friend from Colorado checking it to. The high school students and teachers felt the accident but did not know what happened. We don't have windows--you are lucky.

    Cheers--Mrs. Keehner
